söndag 29 december 2019

Inauguration of new home dojo.

Björn Bengtsson has a new home in Strömsnäsbruk. There Björn opened his home dojo for the first offical keiko 2019-12-29. Present at the inauguration were Björn, Åke, Hannes and Anders Heinonen. The first hour of keiko started with jo practice, second part was tachiwaza. Here are some pictures from the inauguration.

torsdag 26 december 2019

Nyårsträning 31 december 2019

Det har varit en tradition på Enighets aikido sedan många år att avsluta året med ett träningspass på Nyårsafton. Så även detta år. Kl. 12.00 - 13.30 tränar vi aikido för att rulla ut ur det gamla året och in i det nya.

onsdag 4 december 2019

2019 December seminar

2019 December seminar was fun as usual. We at Enighet are thankful for all the participants that showed up. The three senseis were great fun to practice with, and they give good insights into aikido's inner workings. Congratulations to the new dan graded aikidokas' great work. Hope to see all of you next year.